
my journey in


With my writings I like to capture a little insight in my journey of healing and embodying my feminine.

Letting Go is A Greatest Art

Letting Go is A Greatest Art 23 September 2020 Letting go, is a greatest art of living. Although for me this blog does not come as a surprise, and a period of doubt and questioning has preceded this, I write this letter with a sad but knowing heart. Last week when I was walking around the block I got this insight that I may stop with She Blooms. In the meaning of that I won’t sell soaps anymore and that […]

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Blooming. 23 May 2018 What a crazy ride it was! From the moment the Africa project got the name She Blooms, my journey started. In order to be able to make other women celebrate their womanhood, I had to first do that myself. Completely. To every extend and with every cell of my being. A few years ago, a new friend asked me if I felt feminine. My answer was no. She was surprised because she thought I was everything […]

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(s)he, too

She Too 23 October 2017 I have waited for the biggest #metoo storm to pass, one the hand because I often need more time to let things sink in and on the other hand because I felt an inner conflict. One voice told me all the time that I MUST write something, since She Blooms is all about female sexuality. The other voice whispered softly that I did not have too, only if I really felt like. She Blooms is […]

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Reset 23 April 2017 This journey of She Blooms is one big journey inside of myself. After I have arrived in Africa I may first reset myself. My phone dies and with this the connection with my common network. My accommodation seemed to fit fantastic, although I realize that I made this decision mostly with my mind and I forgot to feel with my belly and heart. Today I read in the book of Chantal (on high heels in Africa) […]

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